Good Friday & Easter are NOT Biblical

This year more than some others, we see a simple proof of how “Good Friday” & Easter are anti-truth, anti-biblical, anti-Christ! What is the simple proof?…

Good Friday & Easter will be celebrated by millions worldwide, before (not after) Passover. Take a look at a 2024 Calendar… Check the dates for Good Friday, Easter, and Passover.

You read the dates above for yourself. You might have also noticed that I highlighted “Pascha”, “Pesach”, and “Pesah”, if you don’t know what that is, heres a quick answer:

The Messiah was crucified, He died, and was buried, and then 3 days & nights later He resurrected, and then He ascended to The Father—HalleluYAH! And all of that, His Apostles continued to keep & teach others to keep Passover & The Feast of Unleaved Bread, and we should too! We should celebrate what The Messiah did, on the days He did it, just as Scripture instructs. “Let us keep The Feast”, as the apostle Paul/Saul/Shaul implores us to do!

Take a closer look at the Passover week during the time of The Messiah’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection:

So the question is: How does the world celebrate & teach the death, burial, and resurrection of The Messiah, as if it took place before the celebration of Passover and “The Last Supper”, when it clearly (according to Scripture) occurred after The Messiah and His disciples ate the Passover lamb? Answer: Deception & Falsehood—LIES. And boy oh boy, people love their lies (see Revelation 22:14-15).

Just like the 700 Club did in their video where they confessed that Christmas is Pagan and full of lies, we see above, how they once again, tell some of the history and confess that they should keep the biblical calendar, but instead, they end the video laughing & saying “We’ll just live with it the way it is”… basically saying “we love the lie we live.” Before we close this blog out, let’s hear a little more from another group of Christians who seem to not only know better but teach a little better:

Family: Just say NO to Pagan holidays, and say YES to Biblical Holy Days.

Until next time, shalom ✌🏾
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Here are a few additional videos that go deeper to expose the lies and point to the truth!

And of course, here’s a great playlist from Dr. Yoshiyahu, The Moreh (teacher) at The Awakening Remnant Koalition (The ARK):

You can purchase and download this outstanding booklet which can help you, your families, and gatherings, by informing you and walking you through the hows & whys of keeping The Feast:

Published by What Is Hebrewing

Israelite by bloodline, American by way of slavery, Alive by Yah’s Word!

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